Vote Dan Healy
Join us in supporting Dan Healy for Greenville County School Board Trustee, District 19. Having a son in 4th grade I am a huge proponent on fundamental education without indoctrination, focusing on the THREE Rs - Reading, WRiting, ARithmetic!
for Greenville County School Board
Vote for Dan Healy
My campaign focuses on essential education, opposing CRT, SEL & DEI and indoctrination while championing core subjects. Let's restore confidence in Greenville County Schools!
I had a great time sharing my experience, thoughts and concerns about relevant issues involving Greenville County Schools, during the Simple Civics interview. Please take a listen and let me know if you share my concerns!
Vote for Dan Healy
Support a candidate focused on education basics and against controversial ideologies in schools.
Stand Against Indoctrination
Rejecting CRT and DEI initiatives that distract from essential learning in our schools. Stop promoting LGBTQ in the classroom and ensure the books available are age appropriate and do not contain pornographic material. Also, either teach creationism along side evolution, or ban evolution teaching.
Promoting fundamental subjects like math, science, and English for our children's future. Champion for Basics
Focus on core subjects for a strong educational foundation.
Protect our Children
Let our Teachers Carry (2A)
Hardening security measures to get into a school is not the only answer. Having several armed personal within the schools would discourage and stop would be shooters.
Support Dan Healy for School Board Trustee.
(864) 384 - 4141
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